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A healthy back to school by Bimbo

A healthy back to school!

Bimbo Gives You Tips for Kids

UNITED STATES - 08/30/2016 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Whenever starts a new school year, we are ready for school supplies, uniforms, shoes, backpacks, etc. But, there is another element that must be ready for this new phase is successful: a healthy diet, as it will help your children to have the energy and nutrients needed to make the most of the new adventure It represents a school year.

Some points to start with the right way are:
Eat breakfast always, is better wake up a little earlier to recharge "the energy tank". The key to morning don´t become a problem is planning, spend 15 minutes at the weekend to decide not only the breakfast options, also the lunch. Talk to your children to help you , this has many advantages, because on one hand it is a good time to talk to them about the importance of good nutrition and other options to choose will be something that they like and you know you are right.

Remind them that a proper diet must have food of the three groups of “Well Eating Dish”:

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Cereals
  • Legumes or animal foods

You can leave some things ready the night before not to run in the mornings, for example chopped fruit, table ready, even a dish that only need to be heated.
An excellent choice for breakfast or lunch is a sandwich that allows you to, among other advantages, give variety to your children with Bimbo bread, that they like them: White, Without Borders, Multigrain, Whole Grains, etc.

You can prepare classic ham and cheese sandwich, or use your imagination, make it vegetarian, with beans, peanut butter, etc.

• Remember amounts care, children's stomach is small, so it´s not the same as the amount need a preschooler than a primary child or adolescent. It´s better to respect the signals of hunger and fullness of your children, it also helps them not overeat throughout life.

• Ideally you should eat every 3 to 4 hours, ie breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack mid-morning and other mid-afternoon, an option for the afternoon is a fruit and a bar Multigrain Bimbo or some nuts and a yogurt, etc.

• Don´t forget something to drink, constant hydration is as important as food for adequate school performance, the ideal drink is plain water; however, you can prepare seasonal fruit water with little sugar.

Talk with your family about how delicious is synonymous with nutritious. Unfortunately, children think that if it is "nutritious" is not rich, or "boring". 

• To prohibit, punish or reward with food is very bad idea. Because on one side leads to later in life may eat for the wrong reasons, the typical example is to eat when we are sad that we end a relationship or reward us with something very caloric when we did something right. On the other hand the reward, for example with a dessert, suggests the child that the prize is better than punishment (Eat all the vegetables). Remember that there are no good or bad foods and everything fits into a healthy diet and always when the correct amount and combining foods from all groups.

• If your children already do some sport, congratulations! Still supporting them in this activity, we now know that exercising regularly is essential part of a healthy lifestyle and habits that we form in childhood are fundamental and remain for the rest of our lives. If they don´t do any sport, a new school year is the perfect time to start, so get, encourage them!

Enjoy and take advantage of this new school year ahead with many challenges and learnings ahead, but especially with moments of conviviality, achievement, fun, friendship and the opportunity to see how our children are reaching their goals and together with our support healthy. Good luck in school year 2016 - 2017!

#Bimbo, #Bread, #WholeGrains, #Diet, #Health, #Multigrain, #Carbohydrates, #Cereals

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