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Cat’s Litter Box Making You Sick? Center for Disease Control confirms it. 

FRUIT HEIGHTS, UT - 02/13/2018 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — The CDC Toxoplasmosis is considered to be a leading cause of death attributed to food borne illness in the United States. This is just one of the parasites that can be spread to humans by litter box dependent cats and can cause serious health problems for those with weaken immune systems. 

Hi, Ron Roberts here. We are visiting with Ernie Hemple. In 1978 Ernie Hemple invented the toilet train your cat industry with the invention of the Kitty Whiz Transfer System, the very first toilet train your cat product. It was his goal to eliminate the need for cat owners to keep a litter box. 

So, Ernie when and why did you invent the toilet train your cat system?

“It was 40-years ago, I was just 29 years old: I loved cats but hated cat litter boxes: Cats spread germs, viruses, bacteria and parasites found in fecal matter, by jumping up on your lap and food preparation surfaces. Yuck! The result can sometimes leave you and your family very sick and litter boxes stink! They drive down property values, and cleaning a litter box is among the worst chores ever. Seriously, I thought if I could figure out how to teach a cat to use a flushable toilet, then I couldn’t imagine that other cat owners wouldn’t also want to toilet train their cat and get rid of their litter boxes. 

I mean, litter boxes are unhealthy, barbaric, prehistoric relics of the past century, given a choice, not only cat owners but cats would undoubtedly choose to use a flushable toilet. Unfortunately, my first product the single level Kitty Whiz Transfer System was problematic. 

Here’s the problem with single level systems, like Kitty Whiz, Citi Kitty and Litter Kwitter. 

Single level systems disassociate the cat from litter too quickly. This results in a percentage of the cats during the training, simply hopping off the toilet and pooping on the floor. Leaving the cat still litter box dependent.” 

So, you have reinvented the product?Can you tell us about it? 

“Sure, I started seeing a lot of copies of my Kitty Whiz being promoted. So, I did an Internet search under the name of the various products and the words “Poop on the floor” and sure enough, a lot of pet owners attempting to toilet train their cats using these copies were experiencing this problem. 

I just felt that I had some unfinished business and so I started to work on finding the solution. I took 3 year and a little bit of luck. However, we figured it out and built the solution into an amazing product. We call it the Bye, Bye Litter, Multi-Level Toilet Train Your Cat System. 

The Bye, Bye Litter is different. It uses two levels of trays. Like a single level system, it uses a tray with 5-sections that sits on the porcelain rim. What makes it different is that Bye, Bye Litter also uses a lower level set of trays. These trays are held in place using a snap-on Velcro-like system to attach to the walls of the toilet, just above the toilet water. Both upper and lower level trays can easily be removed if someone needs to use the toilet. Like the upper level trays, the trays that are placed in the lower level support tray are always filled with litter. So, when progressing through the simple 10 steps, the cat is always secure, never gets confused and becomes completely toilet trained in only 21 days.

Here’s the good news. You do not have to be an animal trainer to toilet train a cat? No treats. No encouraging, nothing like that. Just set the trays in place as explained in the easy to understand instructions, and the easy to understand instructions and in 21 days, you will have eliminated the disgusting litter box forever.” 

“It is just that simple!”

Does it work with any cat? 

“It works with any cat, any age, any size, breed, any disposition. Even if your cat is moody with an extremely low IQ’s. It takes 3-weeks to toilet train a cat.However, once you have set the product in place on the toilet, you can throw out the litter box forever. Your cat will start using the toilet immediately. First with the help of the trays, and then after just 3-weeks, without any trays.It’s just that simple! Your cat will continue to use the toilet for the rest of its live.”

So what do your friends and family thing about your new version? 

“Well, at least I have friends and if a person currently using a litter box will use Bye, Bye Litter to toilet train their cat, their friends will return, their property value will soar, and most importantly, their families will be healthier as they remove forever the germs, viruses, bacteria, parasites, urine and poop infested litter box, which I might remind you, they will never every have to clean again. One more important item, a pet owner will save up to $3,000 per cat by not having to purchase litter and litter related products over a cats life.”

Yeah, that is a lot of money. A little more than what we can expect to receive from the tax cut. 

“Think about it! What could you buy for $3,000?A nice tropical vacation? A 75” 4K, HD TV’s, you get my point. That’s a lot of money you get to spend on yourself that you have been wasting. “

I am almost ready to buy a cat so my wife and I could save enough money to take a long needed tropical vacation.Do you offer any type of guarantee? 

We do. However, before I tell you, let me read the guarantee from a current single level system. “Because of the unique nature of cats, their age, size and breed, we cannot guarantee that you will be successful with this product. This is pretty much the guarantee of all single level systems.

Here is the Bye, Bye Litter guarantee: If you use the Bye, Bye Litter, Multi-Level, Multi-Tray System to toilet train your cat, your cat will be totally toilet trained in 3-weeks or less or you pay nothing. 

What do you mean they pay nothing? 

They can return the product and receive 100% of whatever they paid with proof of purchase. 

How can a person order a Bye, Bye Litter System? Just visit 

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Contact information: 
Ron Roberts
SI Public Relationships

Media Contacts:

Company Name: Brite Ideas, LLC
Full Name: Ernie Hemple
Phone: 8016150880
Email Address: Send Email