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These Easy Steps Will Help You Step Off the "Pandemic Emotional Roller Coaster"

UNITED STATES, - 07/08/2020 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — As the coronavirus pandemic messes with our lives, our finances, our heads, and our emotions, life coach Robert Scheinfeld is offering a unique multi-step solution to re-calibrate your emotions and restore happiness, peace, and stability to your life, even in the midst of what seems to be craziness.

TheNew York Times bestselling author and speaker is offering a new approach on how to deal with the range of emotions - fear, anger, worry, anxiety - with easy to follow steps.

"From the outside, the pandemic is affecting a lot of people's lives, and on the inside, it's heightening insecurities, fear, worry, anxiety and anger in people worldwide," said Mr Scheinfeld.

"While we can't always change what's going on outside, quickly or at all," Robert said, "more and more people are searching for ways to change what's going on inside of them with their emotions. I discovered a radically different way to do that."    

"I was an expert of being unhappy and stressed out for many, many years. I tried everything to end my negativity, but nothing worked. It was only when I discovered what was causing the negativity at the deepest level that I had my first Big Breakthroughs," he said. "By going deeper, I discovered something I'd never seen discussed by any expert, author or speaker, or shared in any book, workshop, live event, or coaching program."

Now, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have gone deeper too, and been helped by Robert's discoveries.


Scheinfeld offers a free video Masterclass called "Forever Free From Negativity" that reveals what you must do to permanently free yourself from struggle, suffering, pain, stress and negativity.

"Emotions have a life of their own. You're living your life and then boom, emotions happen to you. Have you ever asked yourself how and why that happens, how and why you feel the way you do as your life unfolds? Have you ever asked yourself what's really going on behind the scenes? Until you know the answers to questions like that, nothing will change for you, no matter how many techniques you try," he added. 

Robert's books, audios, videos, online courses, live events, and other transformational resources have helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to discover and experience what he calls "True Happiness," “Living The Unblocked Life,” and “Ultimate Freedom.”

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Media Contacts:

Company Name: Robert Scheinfeld
Full Name: Nancy Hoadley
Phone: 434-220-3440
Email Address: Send Email