Sydney Plastic Surgeons Detail Common Reasons for Breast Implant Removal

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The specialist plastic surgeons at Pure Aesthetics detail why some women choose to undergo breast explantation, such as for cosmetic or medical reasons.


Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed each year in Australia, explain the surgeons at Sydney plastic surgery practice Pure Aesthetics. Despite the incredibly high satisfaction rate of this procedure, the surgeons note that some women eventually choose to have their implants removed. Whether these patients have cosmetic or medical concerns they wish to address, the Pure Aesthetics surgeons explain there are four common reasons for breast implant removal: 


  1. Replacing the breast implants with new ones. Also known as an implant exchange, many women choose to undergo breast revision surgery to replace their original implants with new ones. This is often due to wanting a different size, shape, or type. Since breast implants are not a lifetime device, women will eventually need to have theirs replaced in the event of a rupture or deflation. The Sydney plastic surgeons report that most breast implants last approximately 15-20 years before needing to be replaced.
  2. No longer wanting breast implants. Over time some patients decide they do not want breast implants anymore, and they may choose to remove them without opting for a replacement. This typically results from patients no longer feeling that breast implants represent how they want to look. When an explant procedure is performed, additional cosmetic work may also be desired, such as a breast lift to address lax tissue caused by the weight of the implants.
  3. Needing to address a complication that has occurred. If a patient’s breast implant results have been compromised by a complication, such as capsular contracture, a rupture or leakage, then the implants may need to be removed or replaced. The surgeons at Pure Aesthetics highlight that this is best done by removing the breast implant and in some cases, the capsule around it (called a capsulectomy). If a capsulectomy is indicated, the Sydney surgeons explain that the en-bloc technique may be preferred, which involves removing the entire surrounding capsule with the breast implant still inside.
  4. Having concerns of developing an implant-related health condition, like BIA-ALCL. Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma is an extremely rare form of cancer (not breast cancer) that can develop in the capsule around textured implants. BIA-ALCL has a high cure rate and requires removal of both the implant and its surrounding capsule. Due to newer research, the popular breast implant manufacturer Allergan® has recalled their macro-textured breast implants, which have been linked to BIA-ALCL. Since the risk of developing BIA-ALCL is so low, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) does not recommend removing the implants and expanders if no symptoms are present. However, the TGA emphasises that women with any breast implants should be aware of any changes, such as swelling or a lump in their breast or armpit, as this can indicate the possibility of BIA-ALCL or other issues.


Choosing to have one’s breast implants removed is a very personal decision, says the Pure Aesthetics plastic surgeons. By seeking breast revision surgery from a qualified plastic surgeon, however, they highlight that many of patients’ concerns with their implants can be reduced if not completely eliminated.


About Pure Aesthetics

Pure Aesthetics is a plastic surgery practice owned by Dr Steve Merten. Also working with Dr Merten in the practice is specialist plastic surgeons Dr Robert Knight, Dr Justine O’Hara and Dr Kelly Thornbury, all of whom have undergone advanced training through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. The experienced team also includes Cosmetic Physician Dr Helen Maloof and Dr Noela Ferch. At Pure Aesthetics patients can choose from a wide range of surgical procedures, from breast augmentation and abdominoplasty to rhinoplasty and transgender surgery. Non-surgical treatment options are also available at the practice. The doctors are available for consultations upon request.


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