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Business / Corporate
Business / Small Business
Financial / Mergers
Financial / Venture Capital
Political / Conservative
Political / Legislation
Political / Liberal
Technology / Hardware
Technology / Software
Technology / Telecom
Technology / Web
Real Estate

What is RSS?

RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simply Syndication) is a feed format for delivering regularly changing content such as news releases. RSS feeds allow readers to get the latest news; and allows journalists, bloggers and digital publishers to pull our news stories into their website(s).

How do I subscribe?

To subscribe to our RSS feeds, you would need a news reader. We recommend using FeedBurner by Google if you prefer to read your news on desktop. For Android, iPhone and iPad, we recommend using Feedly.

desktop_mac FeedBurner / Web
phone_iphone Feedly / iOS
android Feedly / Android

Can I add this to my website?

Yes, if you are an independent journalist, blogger or digital publishers, we encourage you to use our RSS feeds. This allows you to get the latest news before it gets republished thousands of times, giving you a competitive advantage over your competition. If you use Wordpress, we recommend using one of these two plugins.

code WP RSS Aggregator
code FEEDZY RSS Feeds Lite

Important: If you are syndicating the RSS feed(s) or rewriting a news release, you are required to include a link back to the original news story somewhere in your news story page.

We are not affiliated with the recommended 3rd party apps or plugins. These recommendations are made because they are genuinely useful.
PR Distribution